Non-Czech journals available in the FE Library in 2019
This list contains only journals prepaid by the FE Library. A large number of full-text articles from reputable publishers (eg Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Springer) have users access through the Discovery System or the eResources Portal of Charles University.
Click the Link button to read the magazines available online on their website.
Click the shelfmark number to browse the Charles University Central Catalogue.
Most journals are available in the study room, different locations are listed under "Location outside the study room".
Online journals without a print version may be accessed from all computers in our faculty.
Title | ISSN | Print/Electronic | Link | Location outside our study room | Shelfmark and link to the Central Catalogue |
American Educational Research Journal |
0002-8312, e1935-1011 |
E |
Behindertenpädagogik |
0341-7301 |
P |
KSpPg |
Cahiers Pédagogiques |
0008-042X, e2268-7874 |
P |
Deutsch als Fremsprache |
0011-9741, e2198-2430 |
P |
KG |
Educational Management Administration & Leadership nové |
1741-1432, e1741-1440 |
E |
Français dans le monde (Věstník Mezinárodní federace francouzských učitelů) |
0015-9395, 0015-9395, 1951-6916 |
P+E |
For the Learning of Mathematics |
0228-0671 |
P+E | | ||
Fremdsprache Deutsch |
0937-3160, e2194-1823 |
P |
KG |
Childrens Literature Assotiation Quarterly |
0885-0429 |
P |
A1052 | ||
Inostrannyje jazyki v škole |
0130-6073 |
P |
International Journal of Education trough Art |
1743-5234 |
E | | A1034 | |
JTE - Journal of Teacher Education |
0022-4871, e1552-7816 |
E |
Language and Literature |
0963-9470, e1461-7293 |
E |
Litteratures classiques |
0992-5279, e2260-8478 |
P |
Lion and the Unicorn |
0147-2593 |
P |
A1050 | ||
Matematyka |
0137-8848 |
P |
Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie |
0946-2139 |
P |
A1048 | ||
Octogon |
1222-5657 |
P |
Pädagogik |
0933-0422X |
P |
Predškolská výchova |
0032-7220 |
P |
Revue Francaise de Pedagogie |
0556-7807 |
P |
Russkaja literatura |
0131-6095 |
P |
Russkij jazyk v škole |
0131-6141 |
P |
Russkij jazyk za rubežom |
0036-0384 |
P |
School Science Review |
0036-6811 |
P+E ve stud. s heslem |
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - ohne Beihefte |
0044-3247 |
P |