Smart lockers Test operation
You do not have time to visit the library during opening hours?
You can pick up your book order from a smart locker, located in front of Study Room at any time during the opening hours Faculty of Education M.Rettigové 4.
How to do it?
After you made a reservation for a book in the CU Central Catalog, please note in the comment section, that you wish to pick up this order from the smart lockers. If you are ordering more than one book, please leave the note only on one of them.
As soon as the books in the smart lockers will be ready for pick up, we will send you a text message with the code. Then you will enter the code with your phone number on the touch screen of the smart locker.
The capacity of smart lockers is limited. If your order does not fit in, we will keep the books in the Reference Desk and place them in the locker as soon as the capacity will be free again.
If you do not know what to do, you can write mail to or call 221 900 148