Excerpt of functional rules of the Library of Faculty of Education, Charles University

Full version of the Loan rules is available in Czech at the Circulation Desk, in the Study room and on the Library website.

Provided Services

The LFE provides its users the following services in particular:

  1. in-house and outside loan of documents: information resources in written, visual, audio, audio-visual, electronic or digital form; inter-library loan and international inter-library loan

  2. access to electronic information databases and other resources accessible on the Internet;

  3. other information services: reference and consulting services, information retrieval, scientific-informational, specific, counselling, promotional, and other services

  4. reprographic service – users can make copies on a copy machine in the Study room. These copies can be used only for their personal purposes, in accordance with the Copyright Act.

Basic services are out of charge, others follow the Price List of fees and paid services.


Any adult person who registrated into the CU library system and belongs into one of the users cathegory mentioned in Article no. 3 of the Charles University Library and Circulation Rules can start to use the services of the LFE. During his visit user is obliged to present his CU Card to use library services of the LFE. CU Card is non delegable and user is due to notify the Library of its loss.

The Access level to documents and services is specified in the Uniform Borrowing Matrix.

Every member of the University finishing his contract has a duty to prove no commitments to the Library.

Loan Conditions

Maximum possible number of documents to loan, time limits and reservations are described in the Uniform Borrowing Matrix.

In case a document is not available in the Library, there is a possibility to ask for an inter-library loan.

E-sources are to be used according to their licences and to the Copyright Act. They are to be used for personal usage only and just for research or educational purposes, not for any commercial purposes, any further distribution or remote storing. Additional information is available at the Service Desk of the Study Room. Copying of audio or visual documents is forbidden.

In case of any violation of this Loan Rules, rights of the user can be blocked or cancelled. Any damage or theft of a document from the Library may result in legal steps against the user.

Loan periods

Loan periods follow the Uniform Borrowing Matrix.

Users are allowed to administrate their library account via the Internet (reservation, prolongation etc.) as well as to check/print state of their account. In case of any inconsistency they are due to announce the Library. The prolongation is possible only before the loan time limit has gone.

Reservation making

In case a document is not available (it´s loaned by somebody else), user can make a reservation for it.

Handing back documents

Documents are to be handed back in stated loan period or to be prolongate.

User can hand back documents he borrowed from the Library via Bibliobox in the foyer of the Faculty building. Documents handed back via Bibliobox are cut out of a user’s library account the next week-day. In case of a running fine connected to late handing back of the document, the fine will stay not paid till the user will come to the Library to pay it. Documents loaned via inter-library service are to be handed back only during the visit of the Library.

Claiming of the overdue documents

In case of late handing, the Library claims a fine and may send a notice to the user. After the 4th notice there follows an exaction by the law. For all fines see the Price List of fees and paid Services.

Reimbursement of caused damages

User is due to announce every damage or loss of the document he borrowed and during certain time-limit to compensate the damage. The way of compensation specifies Article no6 of Charles University Library and Circulation Rules

Rules of Study Room of LFE

To use services of the Study Room user is to present a valid Card of the Charles University and to sign into a user’s book at the Service Desk in the Study Room. In case he doesn´t have the CU card he pays a fee.

User of the Study Room may let his belongings on place intended for it during all his visit ((Library is not responsible for these things) and follow orders of the service at the Service Desk.

All documents in Study Room are to be kept as in-house documents.

Every out-comes of e-sources are to use for personal usage only and there mustn´t be any violation of Copyright Act. Any abuse can mean legal steps against the user.

While leaving the Study Room user puts documents at the Service Desk.

Full version of rules of the Study Room is also available at the Service Desk.


In case of any violation of this Loan Rules, rights of the user can be blocked or cancelled.

Exceptions of this Loan Rules are allowed only by Head of the Library.

As the part of the Loan Rules are following documents:

Uniform Borrowing Matrix

Price List of fees and paid services